Publication director

Groupe ADOVA

Website publisher

The website is the property of the company Centre Bedding

SAS, with 1,000 euros in capital

Registered address: 30 rue Proudhon, bâtiment 106, 93210 Saint Denis, FRANCE - RCS Bobigny

Director of Website publication: Charles-Henri Deon

Website hostt

NEXYLAN, SAS, with 150,000 in capital, registered with the Corporate and Trade Register of Metropolitan

Lille under the number 517 884 722, with a registered address of 274 ter avenue de la Marne — 59700


Website access

Access to this Website is open to any user, private non-professional individuals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in situations of force majeure and subject to Site maintenance or difficulties connected to the communication network structure.

The use of the Website is completely free. Nonetheless, the equipment (computers, telephone, software, telecommunications systems, etc.) allowing access to the Website and all Internet connection fees shall be exclusively paid by users.

Users are personally liable for having the necessary knowledge to use the Internet and access the Website.

To access certain services offered at the Website, the user must enter a username and password comprised of at least 6 alphanumeric characters. Such username and password allow access to a personal area. The user is responsible for all use of their username and passwords which the user undertakes not to disclose to any third party. If such username and/or password is lost or used fraudulently by a third party, the user undertakes to report such to the Publisher without delay. In any case, the Publisher will not be liable for any use by third parties of any elements in personal areas on the Website nor for any damages resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a change in the information available in such area.

Respect for the law and public order

All users are prohibited from using the Website and/or the content to disseminate content in violation of public order and morality as well as any law or regulation in effect. In particular, all users are prohibited from publishing the following in relation to the Website:

- any information that violates third-party rights which may be considered insulting, defamatory, racist, xenophobe or which damages a third party’s honour or reputation or incites discrimination or racial hate or threatens any person or group of people or is pornographic or paedophile;

- any information that is violent or condones war crimes, or is humiliating or obscene;

- any information that violates the laws on intellectual property rights;

- any information of a commercial or advertising nature (without prior, written and express authorisation from the Publisher);

- any information that violates personal data protection laws.

Personal data

Some elements of the Website may require prior user registration. If such is the case, the user will be asked for personal data, especially their full name, mailing address and email address.

The user is further informed that a cookie may be automatically installed on their browsing software upon visiting the Website. A cookie is a block of data that does not individually identify the user; however, it saves information relating to their browsing habits (the pages checked, the date and time of visits, etc.) which we may use upon subsequent visits. For example, cookies make it possible to streamline Website access by preventing the user from having to enter their username and password each time they check the Website.

The use of cookies also allows the Publisher to track traffic and enhance the use of its Website.

The user hereby acknowledges having been informed of this practice and authorises the Publisher to use it.

If so desired, the user may disable these cookies by changing their browser preferences.

L'utilisateur peut, s'il le souhaite, désactiver ces cookies en modifiant les préférences de son navigateur.

Moreover, the information collected may be electronically processed to manage the data for commercial purposes (customer relations, prospecting, order processing). This processing is currently subject of a declaration filed with the French Data Protection Agency (CNIL) under simplified rule no. 48 (deliberation no. 2005-112 of 7 June 2005).

Pursuant to articles 32 and following of the French Data Protection Act (French Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended by French law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on information technology, data files and civil liberties), each user has the right to access, modify and delete their data. These rights shall be exercised through the Publisher.


The Publisher shall make its best efforts to implement the necessary means to keep the Website accessible to users. However, it will not be liable if one or more users cannot connect to the Website due to a technical defect, bug or any other difficulty particularly those connected to network failures. Thus, the Publisher may not be held liable if the user cannot partially or fully use the Website, irrespective of the cause, particularly during periods when the information is being updated and/or improvements are being made to the programs needed to properly operate the Website or extends its features.

The Publisher also waives any liability for any Internet interruptions or malfunctioning. The Publisher reserves the right to interrupt operation of the Website at any time without prior notice.

The transfer rate and response times for information circulating among the Internet network and the Website platform are not guaranteed by the Publisher. In fact, the speed of information circulation has nothing to do with the access offered by the Publisher but rather characteristics that are inherent to online networks relating to technical means to absorb the traffic generated. The Publisher hereby reminds users of the characteristics and limits of the Internet and waives all liability linked to the consequences of user connection to this network via the Site.

More particularly, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any material or immaterial damages caused to users, their computing equipment and data saved and any consequences that may derive from their activities.

The Publisher is not liable for any hypertext links towards other resources present on the Website or the Internet even when the electronic materials are contaminated or spread a virus or other computing infections. The Publisher is not liable in any manner for the content of third-party sites or the content which these third-party sites may forward to. Moreover, the Publisher shall not be liable for their content, their products, their advertising or any other element or service present on such site.

Affiliated and non-affiliated sites are subject to their own general terms of use and personal data protection conditions. The Publisher, therefore, will not be liable for any damages or losses observed or alleged as a result of or in relation to the use of or any trust in such content to goods or services available on those sites. The use of the Website is solely under the liability of the user who assumes all risks that may derive.

Intellectual property

The design, format and content of the Website are the exclusive property of the Publisher. All data, text, information, images, photographs or any other content disseminated via the Website is protected by Intellectual Property Rights which may lead to civil and criminal sanctions.

As a result, the user may not under any circumstance reproduce, represent, copy, adapt, alter, modify, download, disseminate all or part of the Website content or enter any content which may harm the data on the Website.

In particular, any full or partial representation of the content of this Website in any manner whatsoever, especially a reproduction of the HTML code, without express authorisation from the Publisher is prohibited and considered piracy punishable under French Law.

More specifically, any full or partial reproduction of the Publisher’s trademarks or logos or those belonging to its partners based on elements on the Website without prior, written and express authorisation from the Publisher or logo or trademark owner in question is prohibited by law.