To find the store closest to you, please use our store locator. Just type in your post code or city and the list of stores will be directly updated.
You’ll find all the contact details for our stores at our store locator page and in each of the store descriptions.
To make an appointment, just go to the Store Locator and choose the "Type of appointment > in store” filter. You’ll get the list of stores that welcome customers inside. Refine your search by entering your post code.
Making an appointment is a service we offer at some of our stores so you can test out our Tréca products and get advice from a bedding expert.
If there is no store near you, you can make a videoconferencing appointment with the store of your choice. Go to the Store Locator page, choose the “Type of appointment” and “Videoconferencing” filter. The list of stores will be automatically updated
Upon making an appointment, the store receives your request. It will contact you to confirm the date and time of your appointment. We do not recommend visiting the store without their confirmation. Call them directly by phone if you’d like. The telephone number can be found on the store locator page of the website.
Not all stores respond to quote requests. To choose a store that will respond to your quote request, please go to the Store Locator, select the “Type of appointment” “Videoconferencing” and/or “In store” filter and the list of stores that offer responses to quote requests will be updated. Just choose the store of your choice.